Judith S. Schreiber, Ph.D.
Bio January 2021


Schreiber Scientific, LLC, under the leadership of Dr. Judith Schreiber uses a harmonized approach to public health and enivronmental protection employing environmental advocacy, effective government regulation, and collaboration with the public and stakeholders to effect change to improve public health protections. We assess health implications of exposure to toxins and pollutants in air, water, food, and consumer goods.  Our expertise is particularly focussed on vulnerable populations including infants and children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, elders, and environmental justice communities. 


Dr. Judith Schreiber earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, followed by a Master of Science degree in Chemistry, and her Doctoral degree in Environmental Health and Toxicology. She worked for 20 years in the New York State Department of Health in the evaluation of water, air and waste sites; the development of risk assessment practices; and the evaluation chemical exposures. While at the Health Department, she conducted scientific research and investigations, conducted and critiqued risk assessments, and developed policies protective of public health.


Dr. Schreiber joined the New York State Office of the Attorney General in 2000 where she evaluated environmental and public health risks of importance to the State of New York. Working in concert with office attorneys and policy advisors, she provided testimony and guidance in legal cases. She has prepared affidavits, legal scientific documents, testimony, scientific technical reviews and position papers in support of environemtnal protection activities related to the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Brownfields and Superfund Programs, Food Quality Protection Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and other environmental regulations and initiatives. 


Her career has been dedicated to assessing public health impacts of adult as well as fetal and childhood exposures to environmental, chemical and biological substances. Dr. Schreiber retired from public service in 2012. She established and leads Schreiber Scientific, LLC, which provides independent scientific consulting services with regard to litigation activities for clients.

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Schreiber Scientific, LLC

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